How to get a great business loan

To maximise your chances of qualifying for a business loan, and on the most favourable terms, you'll need to reassure lenders of your ability to remain profitable and repay the loan.

That's why lenders will pay close attention to your current financial position and financial projections when assessing your application. The stronger those numbers, the more creditworthy you'll appear.

Lenders will also scrutinise your business plan, to understand the purpose of the loan. Specifically, they'll want to know whether you'll use those funds to generate new revenue (which could be used to repay the loan) and the potential resale value of any asset you purchase (in case you defaulted on the loan and they had to sell the asset to recover their money).

On a related note, if you apply for a secured loan, lenders will want detailed information about the asset you're offering as security, so they can understand its resale value.

Lenders will also use other criteria to assess your loan application, ranging from the credit history of your business to the economic health of your industry.

Don’t worry if this seems like a lot of information to get your head around. As your broker, we will hold your hand through the entire process, by explaining your options, recommending a good financial solution and managing your loan application.


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